Waterways Research Forums
The Waterways Research Forums were held in November and December 2021 by Melbourne Water's Waterways and Wetlands Research Team. This event provided researchers with the opportunity to address knowledge gaps identified within the Healthy Waterways Strategy and learn from Melbourne Water staff how research is supporting improved waterways and wetlands management.
Event videos
Day 1
Includes presentations on stormwater management for stream protection, structure and function of headwater streams, protecting stream physical form and water quality.
Day 2
Includes presentations on wetland performance, habitat suitability models, billabong watering, protection of sites of high biodiversity, eDNA and biodiversity of freshwater fish, crayfish and mussels.
Day 3
Includes presentations on real-time control in stormwater management, infiltration targets, instream vegetation, revegetation under climate change, deer impacts and alternative vegetation management.
Day 4
Includes presentations on blue and green spaces engagement, digital citizen science, litter management, seagrass restoration, sediment modelling in Westernport and pollution in our bays.