Healthy Waterways Regional Forum 2023
The Healthy Waterways Regional Forum 2023 (the Forum) was hosted online and designed to inform partners and interested communities across the Port Phillip and Westernport region on how the HWS is progressing towards strategy targets, share successes, hear from the Region-wide Leadership Group and discuss what to collectively focus on in 2023.
During the forum, participants were given the opportunity to provide feedback and ask questions using online tools such as Slido and the Zoom Q&A function.
The Forum was held on Wednesday 8 February from 12:00 – 2:00pm via Zoom, hosted by Region-wide Leadership Group Chair, Cheryl Batagol and had a total of 304 participants at its peak, with the majority of participants in attendance for the whole 2-hour session.
For those who missed the Forum, or those keen to hear from our presenters again, you can watch the event in full below.
WATCH - Video of the event